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Writer's pictureMelisha Meredith

The Most Important Healthy Eating Skill

A lot of skills come together to make a life of healthy-eating. Things like cooking, smart shopping and sourcing protein are all important skills. But I think there is one that is the MOST important.

The Most Important Thing

I believe the most important thing you can do if you want to eat healthy is read ingredient labels!

(Keep reading for the answers!)

Why labels are the most important!

  1. What is actually healthy versus what we THINK is healthy.

    1. We all have preconceived ideas about what is healthy. I had someone say to me, "Aren't you proud that I'm eating these crackers?" He had chosen the crackers instead of other options because he has a preconceived belief that: crackers are healthy. Some crackers are healthy, most are not. And if he would have read the ingredients on the box, he would have known immediately that these were not a healthy option.

      PS - No, I didn't correct him! He was so proud of his choice and really trying! I can hopefully educate on the crackers another time.

  2. Recognizing real food and fake food ingredients.

    1. When we read ingredients, we naturally want to be able to read, pronounce and understand the words we are reading. Unfortunately, with 70% of foods in grocery stores being ultra-processed food, that is often not the case. This makes us pause and reflect on what we are actually buying and eating.

  3. Shopping the perimeter of the store.

    1. If you are looking for real food, you'll soon realize that you won't find much real food in the middle of the store and you'll move to the perimeter where you'll find food that doesn't even need an ingredient label because it's just real, unprocessed or minimally processed food!

  4. Back to nature.

    1. Reading ingredient labels should show you how crazy our food system has gotten and motivate you to "get back to nature" by getting back to real food, the food God intended us to eat.

  5. Ingredient education.

    1. No doubt when you read ingredient labels you'll end up asking "What's that?!!!" and "Is that good for me?" And this will help you research and become a more educated shopper!

  6. Ingredient and formulation changes.

    1. Companies can change ingredients on you. You may have a good ingredient product you really like, but it's important to keep checking the ingredients periodically. Sometimes the food company will change their "recipe" and it won't be as healthy as it used to be.

  7. Motivation.

    1. Reading ingredient labels is incredibly eye opening and motivating to find better options!

As I said there are many skills needed for a long-term, healthy food lifestyle! But for those just starting and those trying to come OFF these ultra processed foods that are pervading our stores, we have to be ingredient readers first! Time for a reality check!

So, are you being diligent about reading ingredient labels?

Have you been surprised by them?

Answers to the labels above - 1: poptarts, 2: jello pudding cups, 3: king's hawaiian rolls, 4: hidden valley ranch dressing

(PS - none of these are real food or something anyone should eat on a regular basis!)

Wishing you abundant health,


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