We just returned from an amazing Belize vacation where my husband and 3 oldest kids got to scuba dive in the ocean for the first time. And Melody and I got to snorkel and do a mini scuba class.
We were on the Meso-American Reef System. I have always had an appreciation for the beauty of creation, but seeing this kind of eco-system for the first time with my own eyes was incredible. At one point I followed a sea turtle for several minutes! Later we were snorkeling in an area where we saw at least 50 nurse sharks and about a dozen big rays!

There were a few concerning things though. In my first snorkel, I picked up several pieces of trash in the water. I would stuff it into my suit and put it in the trash when we were done.
It's estimated that by the year 2050, there will be
more plastic in the ocean than fish!

Second, was the deterioration of the reef. One reason for this is pollution. Agricultural and toxic product runoff, population growth, and unsustainable tourism practices can all contribute to pollution. Increased pollution and interaction with the reef can damage coral and threaten underwater life.
Third, was more trash on the beach. The pic below was a pic I took while on a beach walk. If you are able, zoom in on it. It is full of plastic trash! It is so sad! I was aching to do a beach clean up and will try my best to do that if I get to go to Belize again.

Toxic effects of Plastic
Not only is plastic littering the oceans and beaches around the world, it is creating toxic soup in and around us. Plastic is made of hormone disrupting and sometimes cancer-causing chemicals. It's not enough to get BPA free either. The other plastic chemicals are also harmful.
Plastics release chemicals that mess up our hormone systems - think sex hormones, fertility, puberty, skin issues, growth and development, PCOS, endometriosis, cancers.... SO much of our bodies are affected by hormones.
Plastics also breakdown into micro and nano plastics that build up in our bodies.
One hundred percent of men tested had microplastics in their testicles.
80+% of breastmilk samples had microplastics.
There are microplastics in the water and in the fish that we eat.
We don't even know the full extent to which these are negatively affecting us, but plastic just doesn't ever "die" and it's continuing to release those harmful chemicals.
Bottom line - Plastic is BAD NEWS for our health and the health of our planet.
Reduce? Reuse? or Recycle?
The very best thing you can do when it comes to plastic is REDUCE.
In the US alone, 500 million plastic straws are used every day! Yikes!
The average person uses 156 plastic, single use bottles per year.
Which means a massive 500 billion plastic, single use bottles being used each year.
Roughly 9 million TONS of plastic ends up in the world's oceans every year.

Simply put, we have to stop using plastic whenever possible. For us and the planet.
This is something my family has been working on for many years.
Sometimes you can't avoid it, like when your produce is already wrapped in plastic, your order is delivered in plastic or my contacts come in plastic containers.
HOWEVER - there is still a LOT we CAN do!
Say no to plastic straws at restaurants or in the drive through. Take reusable with you if needed.
Don't buy or use plastic, single use bottles of water. Always have your stainless steel or glass water bottle on hand and refill it.
Don't buy single use plastic drinks either - like powerades, sodas, juices. Make this a rarity and get powder mix electrolytes instead of individual plastic bottles of it.
Don't use the plastic grocery bags. Get reusable bags and keep them in your car!
Try to buy a non-plastic material when possible. For example in toys - opt for a natural material like wood.
Refuse the small plastic produce bags at the grocery store. Take your own. Or simply put the produce in your cart and wash it when you get home.
Recycle the plastic cups and plates in your home and start using stainless or glass cups and stainless, silicone or ceramic plates.
Buy silicone and glass food storage containers, instead of using plastic. (Full disclosure, I do have some plastic containers on hand for travel, but they are a last resort.)
Ditch the plastic wrap! Use beeswax wrap, silicone covers or silicone lids instead.
And yes, if you are stuck with some plastic, do your best to REUSE it first, then recycle.
We are all motivated by different things - yours could be saving your health, the planet's health or both. I also want to be a good steward of both those things.
So, what can you start doing today?
Do you need to locate your nearest recycling center?
Do you need to buy a reusable water bottle?
Do you need to stop using the grocery produce bags and plastic bags?
Every bit you can reduce matters. Cheers to my fellow plastic-reducers!
Wishing you abundant health - Melisha