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my story

Hello, friends!  I’m a small-town Missouri girl. I’ve spent the last decade forging a new path for my family - pursuing a life of wellness in all kinds of ways.  I love real talk, dreaming with my hunky hubby, homeschooling our four kiddos, learning about all the things, and really good food. 

If you were spying on me in my early days of this health journey, at times you would have seen me crying at the grocery store because I didn’t know what to buy, stressed because I didn’t understand ingredient labels, overwhelmed because there is so much to learn, holding back because I didn’t want to be “that girl”, feeling like a failure and so, so tired because I let stress and perfection rule my life. 

In this decade-long journey, I’ve learned so much from the wisdom and experience of others.  What I’ve learned has transformed our family, and Daily Wellness is a place where I can help others do the same! It’s a place where we can focus on progress over perfection, learn without the overwhelm, be real, and change our lives for the better.  I’m the friend who’s gonna cheer you on but also speak the truth in love. 

Now is the time to stop delaying your best life!  I was a busy mom of littles when I began changing things for our family. It can be done, I promise. You are not too broke, too busy, too…. whatever! I’m pulling back the curtain on our imperfect but drastically improved family life so that you can be encouraged and empowered in your own journey.  

I’d love to hear from you!  -Melisha

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meet the Team.

The Daily Wellness Community is a team effort! Meet the rest of the crew that makes it happen. 

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